Emergency Preparedness
The following information is to help staff, clients and the general population through times of local or national emergency. An emergency can be an occurrence caused by man-made actions such as a chemical spill, gas explosion and armed conflict or by natural phenomenon such as tornado, blizzard or flooding. These actions require the service of emergency personnel in order to prevent or minimize the loss of life and property. The following links provide information that can increase your probability of a successful outcome during such an emergency. Information on Bug-Out Bags, Survival Kits and a link to FEMA’s Ready.gov page that provides excellent information on different types of natural and man-made disasters.
Basic Red Cross preparedness kit
BuG-out bag
A bug-out bag or BOB is a portable kit that normally contains the items one would require to survive for 72 hours when evacuating from a disaster. The focus is on evacuation, rather than long-term survival.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency has important information on their Ready.gov page to help people prepare for disasters.
The following link will take you to the FEMA page with the heading Ready.gov. From this location you can explore different ways in how to plan for and be prepared for natural and man-made disasters.
A home survival kit should allow you and your loved ones to survive up to two weeks in the confines of your home in the event of a disaster and basic services are interrupted.
Home Survival Kit
The home survival kit is different from the bug-out bag as it is a list of supplies that can be stored in the home and used to survive a long term emergency event (up to two weeks) where a BOB is designed to be portable and last 3 days.