Billion Dollar Dream

A Billion Dollar Dream


“It is neither wealth nor splendor, but tranquility and occupation which gives you happiness.”  ~Thomas Jefferson


            As the drawing of the nation’s largest lottery jackpot approaches, I have some thoughts to share as to wealth and happiness.  Thomas Jefferson makes a valid point as to the nature of what can bring happiness to us all…and what cannot.  I often tell my kids that money is just a tool, a means to get things accomplished like a hammer or a wrench, it’s just a tool.  I’ll be honest, I wouldn’t mind the need for a larger tool box, but at the end of the day, money is just a tool.  The reason people pine for the riches of the lottery is that they believe that it will take all their cares away, remove all the stresses that life throws at them and that the unbelievable wealth that is a lucky ticket away can bring endless happiness.  The belief that amazing wealth is equated with internal peace and lasting happiness is a flat-out fallacy.


            Peace of mind, happiness, and contentment with life is an inner thought process that is driven by our outlook on life and our belief systems that we have developed over the course of our daily experiences of life.  A billion dollars is not going to relieve someone of the grief they might be experiencing from loss. A billion dollars will not release a person from chemical addictions to drugs or alcohol.  A billion dollars will not make the world a perfect place.  A billion dollars is a tool that one can use to help themselves and others around them, plain and simple.  I confess, I dream about what it would be like to win a billion dollars, I’m human like the rest of you, but I also understand that the winning of that kind of money could create more problems than it could solve.  There are hundreds of articles and stories of how to go about things if you win the lottery…and the main theme of them all are to be patient and surround yourself with good professionals who can help you navigate the rocks and shoals of suddenly finding yourself wealthy beyond your imagination.  As one article stated, unless you are a tax attorney, a CPA, or a financial advisor, don’t make any rash decisions like quitting your job or going out to buy that dream house on the beach until you talk to financial professionals and make plans for your new-found wealth.


            Money is not the key to a happy life, but it does unlock several doors of opportunity.  One of my favorite quotes is by Dr. Charles Swindoll, “Life is 10% of what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.”  I’m sure my kids are sick and tired of my throwing that one out there, but I can’t think of a better quote to represent how much our own attitude plays a role in our ability to find contentment and happiness.  Bad things happen to good people and good things happen to people who make poor choices…life happens, but it is how we react to it that sets happy people apart from those who have a dower outlook on life.  No amount of lottery winnings can change the attitude of a person who has a pessimistic outlook on life.  A person with such a dim view of the world has trained their brain and attitude to always look for the worst possible outcome and therefore they typically find it.  I believe that people usually find what they look for in a situation…if they look for good, they will find something positive in a situation or if they believe that they will find something negative, they usually do…(I’m a believer of, “There is always a silver lining to every cloud,” kind of person).  Happiness and contentment originates from an internal drive to have a positive attitude…having incredible wealth doesn’t necessarily hurt that sense of optimism, in fact, having a billion dollars is more likely to help unlock your inner philanthropist and encourage you to provide means for community projects or set up scholarships to provide educational opportunities for others.  With a billion dollars, there are endless opportunities to do good within the community and still have enough for future generations of your family to live with very little financial worry…if planned for properly.


            I will buy a two-dollar ticket, and I’m more likely to get hit by lightning (twice) as I am to get the winning numbers for the jackpot tonight, but the dream of making a positive impact on my family and my community is a fun fantasy, if only for a short while.  I wish all of you luck in whatever you choose to do, buy a ticket, don’t buy a ticket, dream, don’t dream, etc…but whatever you do, take care of yourself and each other, remember, we’re all in this together.


Wm Reid

Best Home Care Services

325 N Eastern Ave

Connersville, IN 47331

